Wild Wisdom

Wild Wisdom2023-10-08T05:44:41-07:00

Women Traveling Together: 6 Non-Touristy Things to Do in Tuscany

April 22, 2024|

Are you dreaming of a Tuscan adventure filled with authentic experiences and hidden treasures? Tuscany, Italy, is renowned for its stunning landscapes, rich history, and mouthwatering cuisine. And while Florence, Siena, and Pisa may be the stars of the show, there are countless off-the-beaten-path destinations waiting to be discovered. We’re Canyon Calling, a travel company for active women seeking adventure tours. And for the last 28 years, we’ve had the honor of empowering thousands of women traveling together around the globe. 💪 In this blog post, we’ve rounded up some of our best wild wisdom for you—curated from leading countless women’s adventure tours over the years. Join us as we reveal six hidden gems that will make your Tuscany experience truly unforgettable! In this blog post, we’re sharing how solo female travelers can tap into that magical sense of freedom in Alaska's rugged landscape. Let’s dive into our top four tips!

4 Iceland Tour Travel Tips

February 26, 2024|

Dreaming of embarking on an Iceland tour as a solo female traveler? Solo adventures are a thrill, no doubt, but let’s keep it real—it can be a bit intimidating! Especially when those dreams involve conquering glaciers and riding wild rapids. At Canyon Calling, our itineraries are created by women, for women, and led by women. So don’t worry, friend—this is our jam. 😎 With over two decades of leading fearless women around the globe, we've gathered some wild wisdom to make your Icelandic dreams a reality. In this blog, we’re sharing our top 4 tips for your solo trip to Iceland. Ready to melt those nerves away? Let's roll!

Solo Female Travel Essentials

December 4, 2023|

For a solo female traveler like you, every trip means another chance for self-discovery and empowerment. You’ll explore new places, challenge yourself, and embrace unique cultures. It’s downright exhilarating! But we understand that stepping into the world of solo travel can be—well, a tad daunting. Especially when it comes to packing… If you’re not sure how to pack for hiking and everything else on your itinerary, hang tight! In this blog, we’re sharing the secrets to smart packing for the fearless female explorer. Get ready to pack light, stay safe, and embark on the adventure of a lifetime!


… from our Adventure Travelers!

“As I fall back in my day-to-day, it will give me satisfaction just knowing that somewhere on this spinning planet there is a marvelous guide leading a group of women to a beautiful place – and it will make their hearts soar! The sights that I have seen on these trips are surpassed only by the wonderful spirits surrounding them.”

Mary B.

“Your trips give me the opportunity to laugh like a little girl! Swimming in Emerald Lake, lying on a glacier, laughing till my sides hurt – these are the things I will remember always.”

Sherryann P.

“My word for this trip was trust. We trusted one another with our challenges and our hearts. From the full moon in Canyon de Chelly to sloshing up the Narrows – I feel so lucky to be part of this great cosmic experience!”

Marybeth S.

“Your trips are top notch adventures that are all about getting in touch with the many facets of Nature’s splendor while doing something special for one’s self. We’ve camped really comfortably in Southwest canyons and hiked, biked and ridden horses and jeeps. Every day is a new activity which makes for a great vacation.”

Nancy B.

“Words cannot begin to describe what the last ten days have been for me. The energy and expertise you put into every aspect of the trip allowed me to let go and just be. The camaraderie of the women, the chance NOT to be in charge while at the same time completely trusting the hands of whom I write, all while laughing till my sides burst – well my soul is FULL!”

Sarah M.

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